属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-不是不讲理 Uncommonly unreasonab
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-地理工程 前景广阔
1 | ||1:例如,他在1980年是洛杉矶当代艺术博物馆的创建人之一,后虽与博物馆的董事会几经争吵,但他还是在2008年博物馆面临破产倒闭之时挽回了局面,单单这个故事就足以写作一整本书,但这个众说纷纭的故事在书中仅占据了一页篇幅。||2:他只字未提是怎样陷入与洛杉矶艺术博物馆董事会的争吵中的,读者也就更无从知道当代艺术博物馆新近的麻烦了。 | ||1:For instance, the controversial story of how he fell out with the board of MoCA, which he co-founded in 1980 and then rescued when it came to the brink of liquidation in 2008, is given a mere page, when it alone could have filled an entire book.||2:And he writes nothing about how he fell out with the board at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, let alone about MoCA’s more recent troubles. | |
2 | ||1:起初他觉得自己做不来。||2:但他受不了电击和殴打。||3:此外,除了一张黑白照片可供描摹,他不知道波尔布特是什么模样。||4:他一直在画,夜以继日,其他的房间里回荡着受刑者的惨叫。||5:每画一笔,他都希望看管他的狱卒会喜欢这幅画,让他活命。||6:他多想杀掉画中人,他靠着这种想法来集中精力。 | ||1:At first he thought he could not do it.||2:The shocks and beatings meant that he could barely stand.||3:Besides, he had no idea what Pol Pot looked like, and only a black-and-white photograph to copy.||4:All the time he painted, day and night, the screams of the tortured echoed from other rooms.||5:He hoped, with every brush-stroke, that his jailers would like his work and let him live.||6:He focused by thinking how much he would like to kill the man he drew. | |
3 | ||1:然而他们不会屈服于任何人,无论对方是评级员、工头、老板还是政府。||2:他们梦想着——假如他们能出人头地……事实上这不大可能——用黄色炸药将这些杂碎统统炸到天上,或是将他们戳在墙上抽几鞭子。||3:这并非共产主义者的阶级仇恨。苏联曾热情款待过西氏,可他回想的却是那无情的混乱。||4:资本主义与共产主义双双劫掠了人的自由。||5:因而,西氏笔下的主人公反抗所有的体制权威,除了用“我们”PK“他们”来形容之外,这些“英雄”不属于任何阶级。||6:他们的个性是骄傲的,犹如西顿身上很潮的服饰适合于意义重大的节日之夜,犹如史密斯所感到的亢奋激动那样——当他独自跑着穿越田野,违背教养院院长令其为他夺冠的意志时,他觉得自己“就像第一个和最后一个在这世上的人”。||7:8“你若坚强,生活就美好”恰是西氏的一句座右铭。另一句则是“别让那些杂碎整垮你”。 | ||1: And they would not kowtow to anyone, whether rate-checker, foreman, boss or government. ||2: They dreamed—if they could get the whip hand, which they never would—of blowing all these boggers sky-high with dynamite, or sticking them up against a wall. ||3: It was not a communist thing. Mr Sillitoe was feted in the Soviet Union, but carried back an image of heartless chaos. ||4: Capitalism and communism both robbed a man of freedom. ||5: Mr Sillitoe’s heroes defied all systems and were part of no class, except “us” versus “them”. ||6: They kept their own pride, like Seaton’s sharp suits for a big night out, or the exhilaration Smith felt, “like the first and last man on the world”, when he ran through the fields alone, and wouldn’t pander to the Borstal governor by winning a race for him. ||7: “It’s a fine life, if you don’t weaken,” was one Sillitoe motto. Another was “Don’t let the bastards grind you down.” | |
4 | ||1:转向这类真实实验模式是有它的争议点。||2:有人担心,以粗浅的方法任意操纵大气层,弊会大于利。||3:此外,地理工程即使奏效,功效也不会持久。||4:则学家--克利韦?汉密尔顿在会议中对地理工程研究背后的理念提出批评,指政治家可能借暂缓措施,推迟制定有难度的持久性对策。认为地理工程或对环境影响微不足道,但对人们的思考模式却有更深层及无法控制的影响。 | ||1: This move to a practical project has proved controversial. ||2: Some people worry that tinkering deliberately with the atmosphere may cause more harm than good. ||3: Others fear that if geoengineering is shown to work it will, by offering a palliative for the problem of global warming, let politicians put off difficult decisions that might lead to a permanent solution. ||4: As Clive Hamilton, a philosopher critical of much of the thinking behind geoengineering research, pointed out to the meeting, though the environmental effects of such experiments may be nugatory, their effects on the way people think could be more profound, and much less easily contained. | |
5 | “所有寻找的会找到,所有敲门的会被放行。” | "Whoever seeks will find, whoever knocks will be let in . " | |
6 | “我可以让这个可敬的老妇人进来,”白雪想:“她应该不会伤害我。” | "I can let in this respectable old woman, " thought Snow-white; "she will not harm me. " | |
7 | 2008年,西班牙允许15731名外国雇员在“contingente”计划下入境,但是今年配额已被削减至901人。 | Spain let in 15, 731 foreign recruits under its "contingente" scheme in 2008, but slashed the quota to a tiny 901 this year. | |
8 | 不仅仅需要将恶意攻击者拦在外面,而且还应该为善意的人及其它资源打开大门。 | It is necessary not only to keep the bad guys out, but also to let in the good guys and other resources. | |
9 | 不久,付费参观的游客也将获许进入,尽管博物馆的总监不会具体说什么时候对这些游客开放。 | In time paying visitors will be let in , too, although the museum’s directors would not say when. | |
10 | 布鲁塞尔的很多人认为欧盟让保加利亚和罗马尼亚在明年一月份加入还为时过早。 | Many in Brussels think the EU let in Bulgaria and Romania, which will join in January, prematurely. | |
11 | 长期以来,我一直认为应该拍卖工作许可证,由其价格来引导进入英国的移民数量。 | My own view has long been that work permits should be auctioned, with the price giving guidance on how many people should be let in . | |
12 | 出去吸收一些阳光,呼吸一些新鲜空气,可以帮你打开心扉,并开始让你积极思考。 | Getting out in the sunshine and breathing some fresh air can open your mind and begin to let in positive thoughts. | |
13 | 从新制度经济学角度看权力寻租 | Viewing Power to Let in the Economic Perspective under the New System | |
14 | 当美国人由于推销不出去自己的产品而失业之际,为什么我们还要进口外国货呢? | Why should we let in foreign goods when Americans walk the street because they cannot sell their own goods? | |
15 | 对于你来说,在白天把窗户打开出一条缝隙是为了呼吸一点新鲜空气。 | To you, leaving that window open just a crack during the day is a way to let in a little fresh air. | |
16 | 恶魔的军队随之而入,不久以后,你就会发现自己陷入了黑暗和绝望中。 | This will let in his legions of demons and before long you will find yourself in darkness and despair. | |
17 | 公寓的外墙上是一些叶子形状的孔洞,既实现了采光的需求,也为整座大楼平添独特的个性。 | The outside of the Villa Saitan building is covered with leaf shaped holes that let in light and add character to the structure. | |
18 | 绝不能让陌生人进屋。 | On no account must strangers be let in . | |
19 | 开放:我们对外部的人和外来的想法接纳程度如何? | Openness : How well do we let in outside people and outside ideas? | |
20 | 目的则是想引进更多的光线:创世一般、非物质的并且是善。 | The purpose was to let in more light: created, immaterial, and good. | |
21 | 其它政府,从意大利到韩国,在限度内减少临时工的数量。 | Other governments, from Italy to South Korea, have reduced the number of temporary workers they let in . | |
22 | 如果找到匹配的模式,就允许连接,或者更准确地说,tcpd死亡,让真正提供服务的守护进程接管。 | If a pattern match is found, the connection is let in , or more precisely, tcpd dies and lets the real serving daemon take over. | |
23 | 随着越来越多Imax格式电影的引进,大量电影将会带动中国电影的票房收入。 | As more Imax-format movies are let in , more films will contribute to its Chinese revenue going forward. | |
24 | 太热的话,员工会打开那座巨大的宽82英尺,长300英尺的大门,让新鲜空气流通进来。 | If it gets too hot, employees crack open the massive 82-by-300-foot doors to let in a little fresh air. | |
25 | 通过上述方法降低发光二极管成本的确将引入光明。 | Bringing down the cost of LEDs this way really will let in the light. | |
26 | 威廉斯,有关绿色设计的一个例子就是可以看到有许多窗户方便自然光线的进入。 | At T. C. Williams, one example of green design can be seen in the many windows that let in natural light. | |
27 | 问题在于英国应该允许多少人允许什么样的人从别的国家进入英国。 | The question is how many and what sort of people Britain should let in from elsewhere. | |
28 | 我们还让数以百万计的半熟练和不熟练移民,无论合法还是非法,来夺取我们同胞的工作。 | And we let in tens of millions of semi-skilled and unskilled immigrants, legal and illegal, to take the jobs of our countrymen. | |
29 | 泄漏过多,则会吸入海水,生成这些烦人的水合物的几率就更大。 | too much and it will let in water which will make the formation of those pesky hydrates more likely. | |
30 | 修剪草坪周围的树枝和灌木,确保阳光充足 | Trim tree branches and shrubs around the lawn edge to let in more sunlight. |